Families Anonymous
FA is a 12 step fellowship for the family and friends of those individuals with
drug, alcohol or related behavioral issues. We are here to help!
Starting March 17 th 2022 Sling N Stones will be holding these meeting at the first Christian Church
407 west Broadway
Bolivar, Mo. 65613
7 pm in the parlor
call Cindy at 417 599 9405 for information
Families Anonymous will celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2021. We were formed in 1971 by a group of concerned parents in California who were seeking ways of dealing with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children. Our members include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem. We have been one of the best kept secrets in the recovery community, even though we have groups throughout the world.
Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.
Your identity is protected in our meetings. We know each other by our first names only. Anonymity of our members is paramount to the success of our program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of our name.
You have nothing to lose but your pain and anger. Read on if you are ready to find the peace and serenity that our members have found through the working of the FA program.